Sunday, June 8, 2008

A lost battle

I realise there are people who are just resistant to change no matter what you do. What do you do then? I have a case and after trying everything by getting him involved in the change steering committee, by counselling, by hanging a carrot in front of him. It just doesn't work. What make the matter worse is that the repercussion of not changing is not there. there is no one at the end of the tunnel carrying a whip. I wonder in the historical data of the organisation, has anyone been asked to leave? Has anyone who is not performing asked to leave?

Perhaps it is time for us to think long and hard about this. If there are people who are not with us in the change process, what do we do? If tagging them along means slowing us down tremendously in this rapidly changing world, what do we do? when do we draw a line to say enough is enough? How many times do we have to ignore the indifference uncoporation and cynicism before we do something?

This is perhaps the first wuation that needs to be answered when a change intiative is first started!!

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